HI! I translate the dwqa into romanian. after i update the plugin, it apears again in english? I must to translate again? Ori just modify to ro_RO?
Hello Marian !
After updating the DW Q&A plugin, all the file in the plugin will be replaced.
If you still keep the back up of your translated files, you can restore the files.
hi there , i just translate all words for this plugin in Albanian , so if i update i will loose the translate how can i keep it
or can you tell me which file i have to translate and to send it to you , i want to contribute about this language for this plugin , thanks
Simply follow the guide and after completing the translation send the files to the dw team via email
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replied 11 years ago
Pity to hear about this Marian! You should take a back-up whenever you update the plugin just in case.
By the way, would you like to contribute the translation file for the plugin? We would appreciate if you can 🙂
replied 11 years ago
Hi jin. The last back=up was before translation 🙂
I’ll be happy to help. I will contact you when is over. But i had a problem. I can’t translate the word “day”. Day/days dont change.
replied 11 years ago
Oh I have notified our development team and they are working that part. I will let you know once the language file is updated.
replied 11 years ago
Hi again Jin. I wanted to translate now the plugin, but i saw a new update available. After the update, my plugin is in romanian. In the new update, exist a dwqa-ro_RO.mo file? or I upload it and i forgot?