Good day π We found two bugs and offer his decision.
1. Wrong time.
Our time zone +10 to Greenwich. By default the plugin puts the Greenwich Mean Time. If we change the time settings in Site 10, the plugin gives the error in time. We post questions and immediately see the text “Asked 10:00 ago.”
Our offer solutions – human_time_diff (get_post_time ( ‘U’, true)
2. Error in the role
We write articles on the site can only administrator or author. Participants can not write. The plugin stated that current_user_can ( ‘edit_posts’) // returns true for Author Admin Editor Member. And every participant can correct any message.
We offer – current_user_can ( ‘manage_links’) // returns true for the Admin Editor
Thank you for interesting in our product and your feedback. We appreciate it.
I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will update and realease it as soon as possible.
Any your suggestion will make our product become better and better.
Sorry, but the fix will? π
Or is our version of the decision is not correct?
Yes, we are checking and fix this issue and update it in the next version. However, if you want, you can send me username & password of your site, I will help you resolve this issue.
Question – were updates, but the errors are not corrected. Why? ))
Hi Evgenii Montashov,
Sorry for the late reply. We will release the upcoming version of the DW Q&A with the bug fixed. However, we can fix the bug on your site if you want. Just please provide us the login credentials privately in this forum.
I think that since the error not only for us – and our customers, we have explained the problem – we will wait for the update)
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