The Whys and Hows of Creating a Mobile App for Your WordPress Website

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are now the most popular way to consume digital media, including websites and social networks. After years of predictions, the tipping point has finally been reached and smartphones and tablets are now responsible for 55 percent of the online activity in the US.

A lot of attention has been focussed on ensuring your website is responsive and adapts to the size of the screen it is being viewed on in order to cater to mobile users. However, there is another equally important statistic that doesn’t quite garner as much attention. Continue

How to Create a Regular Static Website Using WordPress with Optional Blog

Although WordPress started out as a tool for creating blogs, over the years new features have been added to the software which has seen it become increasingly used for building regular websites. The types of the website built in this way could include a business site, a portfolio, or an online store, to name just a few.

One of the great things about the flexibility of WordPress is that these websites can still include a blog if necessary, it’s just that the blog posts aren’t front and center, or the main attraction of the website.

So if you need to create a regular website as opposed to a blog, read on for our guide to setting up a static website powered by WordPress. Continue

How to Make Your WordPress Blog Content More Socially Shareable

We all know social media can be an effective way to get more traffic to your website and grow your audience. But with so many different options out there, it can be hard to know what we should be doing to make our website as social media-friendly and shareable as possible.

In this post you will find some actionable advice on using social media to promote your blog posts and other website content more effectively. While most of the content here is platform agnostic, WordPress users will get the most benefit from this article thanks to the wide range of social media integrations available for this platform. Continue

Customizing the WordPress Admin Area to Make It Your Own

There are a number of reasons why you might want to customize the admin area of a WordPress website. One of those reasons could be to make the dashboard area easier to use from your perspective as a site administrator. The other reason could be to improve the user experience for your co-authors or clients.

While the admin interface looks fairly clean and manageable on a fresh installation of WordPress, it doesn’t take long for the sidebar menu and toolbar navigation systems to start getting cluttered. This can not only make it difficult to find the items and pages you are looking for, but it can easily overwhelm new users who are just logging into the back end of a WordPress website for the first time. Continue

Its Time to Take Another Look at Jetpack

At the recent Pressnomics event, WordPress creator and Automattic head honcho Matt Mullenweg suggested that the Jetpack plugin, from, was partly responsible for the success of the WordPress software to date.

Matt has also mentioned that Jetpack and its social and mobile-friendly modules would be a key player in helping WordPress move from its current market share of 23% of all websites, up to the 50% mark and beyond. Continue