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We are pleased to announce that our new DW Focus 1.2.6 has been released and is available for download today. In addition to compatibility update with WordPress 4.3 Billie, a new DW Mega Menu plugin and revamped theme setting panel have been included.

Brand new DW Megamenu

As planned in our DW Focus 1.2.0 release, we have just built from the ground up a new Mega Menu plugin dedicated for DW Focus theme.

We tried to make DW MegaMenu dead simple that can work seamlessly with WordPress default UI while solving the need of adding a versatile navigation to your site. A few features brought to you in DW MegaMenu:

Ability to show sub-menus in multi-columns
Ability to show sub-menus in tabs
Ability to show sub-menus in tabs
Ability to set sub-menus full or flexible width depending on sub-menu items
Ability to set sub-menus full or flexible width depending on sub-menu items
Add icon to menu item
Add icon to menu item

Allow to embed HTML/Shortcode and Widget into Menu Description

Allow to embed HTML/Shortcode and Widget into Menu Description
Allow to embed HTML/Shortcode and Widget into Menu Description

Intuitive Theme Setting Panel

To ease the configuration steps, we integrate Theme Setting panel into DW Focus 1.2.6. Don’t worry about the conflict if you are using old version DW Focus 1.2.0, all your existing settings that you configured via default customizer remain fully compatible. And here you can take a closer look into the new setting panel:

Intuitive Theme Setting Panel
Intuitive Theme Setting Panel

Update Style constructor of PHP 5 to Container Widgets

You might have checked out the WordPress 4.3 “Billie” released a few days ago. You will see PHP4 style constructors are deprecated in the WordPress core, as a step to prepare for the upcoming PHP7 (expected to launch at the end of this year).

To line up with this change, we had all 3 container widgets (DW Tab, DW Accordion, DW Column) in DW Focus updated using the new style constructors. So you can rest assure, DW Focus is now ready and fully compatible with the latest PHP release, and it causes no change to your existing data on your site.

DW Focus 1.2.6 Live Demo

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the new Mega Menu plugin, please visit our our support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and please notify us via our forum or this feedback form.

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An Nguyen

An Nguyen is Business Therapist at DesignWall. He works closely with each team member to make continuous small improvements every day. He strives to make sure DesignWall delivers quality and helpful products and service to our beloved users.