SEO tips: Keywords and On-page SEO

SEO contains two main areas: On-page and Off-page. While Off-page SEO is about link analysis, backlinks, On-page SEO is all about keywords placement, meta description, title and so on. In this tutorial, I will be talking solely about Keywords for On-page optimization.

In the past, there was a myth that: the more keywords the better your site was. We all know it’s not true today as Google and other search engines get smarter and smarter. Overusing keywords and doing it in a wrong way will cost us a fortune.

Where should I put my keywords? How much should I stuff up? Here are some tips you can count on.


SEO for WordPress: all you need to know about WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast

SEO for WordPress

By far, WordPress SEO by Yoast is one of the most well-known SEO plugin for WordPress. We ourselves, use this plugin on also. If you have not known or used it before then you are missing out. Available for free, WordPress SEO by Yoast is a powerful tool and comes with a handful of features.

In this tutorial, I will talk about the settings of the plugin and our use case of the plugin.
