I’m Salvatore Viola from Italy – the country of love and fashion. But I’m not here today to talk about clothes or romance. I’m here to share with you my first and newly founded WordPress project at which has received great feedback from visitors and sponsors so far.
Salvatore Viola
This blog post by Salvatore Viola is a part of our WordPress Customer Spotlight section, where DesignWall users come and share their beautiful projects as well as their valuable development experience.
Besides being in charge of, I also own the web agency Zefiro Comunicazione. And one sentence to say about me? Well, I’m always in a hurry 😉
The initial idea started a few months ago
I know how tough it is for a startup company to thrive and survive in this competitive world, to start my own business from scratch. Therefore, a few months ago I had an idea: why not create a website to chat about startups and related topics? Well, that is how was first initiated.
With the launching of, I want to make this WordPress site not only a broadcasting news site but also a place for any startup guys out there to gather and discuss. I know, those who have the gut to set up their own business kingdom really need constant encouragement to pursue their goals till the end. And hopefully can be a part of their success.

From idea to creation
To make it clear, I’m not a programmer or professional web developer, but a full-time journalist who loves writing and crafting a website without wasting much time on wading through various technical issues. Not to mention I was quite limited on time due to my work at Zefiro Comunicazione. Therefore, I made up a clear path for my project right from the start and decided to use a functional yet easy-to-manage WordPress news theme.
The theme must be responsive with a well-designed layout and ready to host ads. I began surfing the Internet and found out about DW Focus – a responsive WordPress news theme from DesignWall team. First thing slipped my lips was: “Wow, this theme is exactly what I am looking for”. So I bought the theme and installed it on my localhost.
It took me a couple of weeks to get my website ready. I had some little issues, but nobody can build a website without any issues, right? I posted my questions on DesignWall Question & Answer section about how to customize the layout, change the colors and the way dates appeared on the website. Thankfully I got great help from their support guys together with some useful tricks to get my work done perfectly.

Positive feedbacks keep flying in
In May, my brand new magazine went online. My experience with this theme all along was quite great and my readers love the site very much. I had a lot of feedbacks from visitors and all of them agreed on one point: the site looks super professional. In my opinion, besides having a good layout that is essential for making an appealing website, one also needs a creative logo to build up their site’s credibility. As for this, I had my startup news logo designed by Laura Loprieno – an Adobe guru, also my partner in Zefiro, who contributed much to my project’s success.
Now I’m working hard on improving the site’s content. I know there are still many things I have to do to perfect my project, but at least the idea seems to work and I eventually found a business angel who decided to invest some energy and money into this lovely project. Great news, right?
If you are interested, just visit my Facebook wall and leave me some message to discuss more.
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