Is it possible to change the header graphic on a post category page? I appears it keeps the header image used on the homepage.
Thx Dani
1 Answers
hi Dani. i have a trick to resolve this but you have to hard code 🙂
you can try this if you want : open file: templates/header.php
go to line 4
$body_classes = get_body_class();
if (in_array('category-< your category slug >', $body_classes) )
{ ?>
.banner.cover {
background-image: url(' < your image for your category url > ');
<?php }
category-< your category slug >
you can see it by inspect element your category page body class url( < your image for your category url > );
is the link of image you want to be the cover picture If you have many categories, you can custom each category page with different picture. This just be a fast trick i think of to resolve your problem.Glad.
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