Within the DW Fixel theme how do i…
– Rearrange the order of the posts?
– Fill in the background of the post with a solid color? For example, the DW Fixel preview homepage has a pink/salmon colored post – that’s what I’m looking to do (but with a different color).
– Edit the color of the timer (rotating squares) that shows up when navigating through the site/blog?
Thank you
– At the moment, Our DW Fixel does not support to Rearrange the order of the posts.
– To change the background color, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.modal-body { background-color: #...; }
body { background: #...; }
– Unfortunately. you can not change the background of the timer (rotating squares) in the Blog page. We have used a image (.gif), you can override this image in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-fixel\assets\img”. find the “preloader.gif” image.
Hope this helps !
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