philippe viondury
asked 10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I’m using the DW Timeline theme (WIP: and I’d like to know whether it’s possible to have a circle instead of a diamond-shapped form as a header mask.

Ho, and now i’ve caught your attention, is there a good plugin to have a nice and discret search engine, in the navigation menu for instance?

Thank you!



1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

– If you want have a circle instead of a diamond-shapped form as a header mask, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.home .banner hgroup:after {
transform: rotate(0deg);
border-radius: 144px;

– At the moment, our theme just support search section in the sidebar (left hand side)

replied 10 years ago

Hi Dominic,

thank you so much, it worked perfectly. How can i get the search section in the sidebar in DW Timeline (there is no sidebar in this theme…)?

dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

At the moment, our Timeline free does not support the sidebar. However, you can use the pro version. Please refer here:

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