Jess Loren
asked 11 years ago

I do not see how I can update within my dashboard.

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Firstly, please download the package in your profile then unzip this package, copy all the files in the latest version and pates them into your theme in the folder path “wp-content\themes\your-theme”
Please note that, in case you don’t want to lost all changes that you customized, before updating the latest version, make sure that you mark and copy all files that you edited on somewhere on your computer. Then overwrite the existing files.
After finishing, you add all codes that you customized in the old files to your theme.
Or please try using a tool here to  enable a direct comparison between two files, folders, or web sites and shows the differences line by line.

Jess Loren
replied 11 years ago

I am not showing any files in my profile? I bought the theme through themeforest would the files be there and not on my account here? Also, I have no idea what you are talking about with switching all of those files? Can i just get the update through my wordpress update?

Jess Loren
replied 11 years ago

also the program you send diffdaff is saying it does not support mac?

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Right now, you can download the latest version in your profile.
If you use OS X, Kaleidoscope ( is a great premium program that lets you compare text in two different files.

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