asked 4 years ago

I noticed that question details label is not showing as you can see in this screenshot:
I was wondering how to add it? also, is it possible that I use placeholder only instead of these labels? it will make the overall look much cleaner and smaller, I think It would be great if you add this as an option as well. 

1 Answers
answered 4 years ago

You can create the dwqa-templates/styles/default folder in your theme folder then add the question-submit-form.php file in the default folder with the following code:

replied 4 years ago

Thanks a lot the code added “Question detail” but it didn’t register it in WPML so I had to improvise and change it directly in the file, speaking of which, how can I achieve that with “Comment” because it’s still not translatable.

Also, the code didn’t add the labels as placeholders, can you also guide me on how to achieve it, please?


Dominic Staff
replied 4 years ago

At the moment, the plugin does not support to add the placeholder to the content question form as you mentioned here.

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