I would like to limit the number of blocks displayed on Fixel’s homepage from 17 to 12. How could I do that ? You’ll understand the issue when looking at Haynault.be.
Thank you for your kind support,
3 Answers
@Tito : hi, you can try add this code to the file functions.php:
function dw_fixel_limit_post( $limit, $query ) {
if ( is_home() || is_front_page() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
return 'LIMIT 0, 12';
return $limit;
add_filter( 'post_limits', 'dw_fixel_limit_post', 10, 2 );
@Allen : thank you Allen Unfortunately nothing happens neither via the child theme nor the original functions file. Any idea ? Thanks again.
@tito: hi, you can try this solution : Open the file : dw-fixel/inc/home.php
Then go to line : 8, change the number to 18
And Line 27 , change code to
$dw_homepage_layout['number'] = dw_get_theme_option('block_number',18);
Note* : the number in the item array is the location of the welcome block, facebook, twitter… you can change it if want.
Thank you Allen
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