Dom Amor
asked 10 years ago

I just noticed that once you submit a question “here on this site” it takes you to a new page. And not back to the question list page. Now that’s nice and for sure would be a great addition to my site. Looking forward to this feature..  

Guru Ghantaal
replied 10 years ago

Hi @askmediy! it is very useful and agree, Its should be a must in the new release!

3 Answers
Dom Amor
answered 10 years ago

Just a option to redirect to a page after posting a question only would work. But not a comment of course. 

answered 10 years ago

Dear @akmediy
To redirect users to a different page when they submit a question, kindly open /wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/inc/actions.php
and find the following line of code around line 511:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink( $new_question ) ) );
and replace with the following for redirection to home page:
exit( wp_safe_redirect( home_url() ) );
But you can use this line to redirect user to any other page as you wish!
Hope this helps some one out there as well.

Best regards,

Jackie Lord
answered 10 years ago

All the improvements of DW Question & Answer system have been updated to Github repo. You can pull from here:
Please NOTE that It’s not yet stable version of DW Question & Answer plugin. I don’t recommend you to use this version on your LIVE website. When all the issues and features have been tested & approved, we will publish on the

replied 10 years ago

Thank you for the pre-release info @jackie!

Can you please outline what changes have been updated as I could only see submit-success page and the icons change on the listing page.

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