Daryl Wong
asked 9 years ago


In my earlier post that was still in moderation, I mentioned about a page form that has the layout affected and I found that it was caused by enabling the DWQA Embed.

My site is here http://www.egallop.com and the affected form is in http://www.egallop.com/post. I have temporarily disabled DWQA Embed and hope you could help me to take a look.

The login information has also been provided in an earlier post. You might want to login to take a look.

Many thanks,

5 Answers
answered 9 years ago

I have use your username & password of your site that you sent to me in the previous question, but I can not activate the plugin to check your issue, you can help me change the Role of the account to I can check and help you resolve this issue. Please change it to Administrator.

replied 9 years ago

I have just changed it to administrator. Thx,

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I have checked and it still normal, I don’t know about affected that you are facing here, you can send me a screenshot for further checking.

replied 9 years ago

This image here is before i have enabled dwqa embed:

Wherease this image here is after I have enabled dwqa embed. As you can see, it is more spaced out in the layout.

So now I have disabled dwqa embed.

The image is a screen capture from this page http://egallop.com/post/

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I have helped you resolve this issue, you can check your site now.

Daryl Wong
answered 9 years ago

Sorry there is another page that is having the same issue.


Page can be assessed from http://egallop.com/dashboard/

A normal page would look like:


Do help me to take a look at this dashboard page.

Many thanks,

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I have checked your site but the author that I have used is 0 post should I can not check your issue. Please help me create post or send me another author, I will help you resolve this issue.

answered 9 years ago

I have checked your site and fixed this issue in the Dashboard page, you can check your site now.

replied 9 years ago

Thank you, appreciate the help!

replied 9 years ago

Oh no, for the post page that you have fixed, the form elements are spaced out again. http://egallop.com/post/ Could take a look again?

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I have checked your page and it still looks good
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/a7n5pa

replied 9 years ago

Yes, maybe it was due to caches earlier. Now it is perfectly ok when I view it in my mac at home.

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Please let us know, if you have any issue, question, I will check and help you resolve it.

Daryl Wong
answered 9 years ago

Hi I just found that the form at egallop.com/post/ is not showing the submit button probably after your modifications.

Can you help to take a look?

This is urgent!

replied 9 years ago

My users are not able to submit their photos and so this is urgent, could take a look now?

replied 9 years ago

Temporarily I have switched to using the parent theme and disabled DWQA embed.

replied 9 years ago

So I have reverted style.css and will not use dwqa embed, I think it will be quite difficult to resolve the conflicts. From what I know, part of the code in the form was done using some javascript framework.


Daryl Wong
answered 9 years ago


When I upload a photo, the pic overlapped with a dropdown box.

Could you take a look?

answered 9 years ago

I have checked your site and see that you need to add some codes line to your style.css file to fixed some field on your page, you can add the following code to the style.css file to resolve this issue.

ul.wpuf-form li .wpuf-fields {
   height: 80px; 

.wpuf-el.featured_image .wpuf-fields {
    height: auto;

I tried and see that your page looks good with this code.

Note: if you still face their issue, please let me know and don’t revert the style.css file I will check and help you resolve it. It’s some conflict between the CSS code of your site and plugin.

Hope this helps!

replied 9 years ago

Thanks, I will test it out.

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