List of issues with the plugin after testing with users
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
475 views1 answers0 votes
Category selec or add from frontend
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
791 views1 answers0 votes
Figured out notification problem
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
475 views1 answers0 votes
Openfocusartcr asked 2 years ago • 
492 views0 answers0 votes
image display problems
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
666 views1 answers0 votes
Voting has a random behaviour.
Opendorothaherring answered 2 years ago • 
468 views2 answers0 votes
Categories not showing
Opendorothaherring commented 2 years ago • 
1029 views1 answers0 votes
how to show a success message when users submits their question
Openirene commented 2 years ago • 
815 views2 answers0 votes
Deactivate non-PRO when I install and activate PRO?
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
431 views1 answers0 votes
Login to Ask a question, and to answer a question
OpenAnonymous commented 54 years ago • 
23509 views5 answers0 votes
TURN OFF: your question is awaiting moderator
Answeredsimonrdownes commented 2 years ago • 
410 views1 answers0 votes
How to give dynamic username to question?
AnsweredDominic answered 2 years ago • 
411 views1 answers0 votes
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