yunus dönmez
asked 11 years ago

Add to my site when I’m Javascript How can I resolve conflict
search tab menu does not work and faulty

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve the issue of the the DW Q&A plugin you are facing, below is our instruction:
Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here.
Then add the code to the Edit Css.

.single-dwqa-question .comment-form, #respond { float: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .dwqa-container .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-privacy .dwqa-btn-group button, .single-dwqa-question .dwqa-container .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-privacy .dwqa-btn-group button:active { margin-left: 30px;}
.single-dwqa-question .fa-globe:before { margin-left: 0; }
.single-dwqa-question .dwqa-dropdown-menu i { padding-right: 0; }

– Regarding the issue with the search box in your site, you can contact the theme provider to have an appropriate solution for you. Hope this helps !

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