DW Magz: Widgets
DW Magz Theme provide multiple sidebar locations to insert widgets.
- Main Sidebar
- Single Post Sidebar
- Category Sidebar
- Off-Canvas Sidebar
- Main Feature
- Featured Block – insert widgets on this sidebar will replace homepage’s content
- Home Content – insert widgets on this sidebar will replace homepage’s content
- Header
- Footer 1
- Footer 2
- Footer 3
- Footer 4
To change sidebar’s location, you can try this setting.
Some sidebars can be use for multiple locations, like ‘Main Sidebar‘.
Sidebar’s location
Featured section
Setup widgets like demo
Notice: This part requires a plugin ‘Widget Logic‘ (see Required Plugins)
Layout Home page 1
Sidebar #1: Main Feature
(DW) Feature Post
- Widget logic:
is_front_page || is_home()
Sidebar #2: Featured Block
- Widget ‘Text’ add image to use for banner (250x250px)
- (DW) Most Viewed (using default setting)
Sidebar #3: Home Content
(DW) Posts Grid
- Number of posts to shown: 6
Widget ‘Text’
- Add image to use for banner (728x90px)
(DW) Carousel Widget
- Choose carousel style: style-2
- Number of posts to shown: 12
- Display post content: Excerpt
- Choose a specific category
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
Layout Home page 2
Sidebar #1: Main Feature
(DW) Carousel Widget #1
- Choose carousel style: style-1
- Number of posts to shown: 5
- Display post content: Excerpt
- Category: All
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
(DW) Carousel Widget #2
- Choose carousel style: style-2
- Number of posts to shown: 12
- Category: Pick a specific category
- Don’t tick any other option (like Display post categories,…)
Sidebar #2: Featured Block
(DW) Featured Post
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
Widget Text
- Widget Text: Add image to use for banner (250×250)
(DW) Most Viewed
- Using default setting
Sidebar #3: Home Content
(DW Latest Video)
- Using default setting
Widget Text
- Banner 728×90
(DW) Posts Grid
- Number of posts to shown: 6
- Category: choose a specific category
(DW) Carousel Widget
- Choose carousel style: style-2
- Number of posts to shown: 8
- Display post content: (blank – no choose)
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
Layout Home page 3
Sidebar #1: Main Feature
(DW) Feature Content
- Choose a specific category
- Display post content: Date
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
Widget Text
- Add banner 728x90px
Sidebar #2: Featured Block
Widget Text
- Add banner 250×250
(DW) Most Viewed
- Using default setting
Sidebar #3: Home Content
(DW) Carousel Widget
- Choose carousel style: style-1
- Number of posts to shown: 5
- Display post content: Excerpt
- Choose a specific category
- Widget logic:
is_home() || is_front_page()
(DW Latest Video)
- Using default setting
Widget Text
- Add banner 728×90
(DW) Posts Grid
- Number of posts to shown: 6
- Category: choose a specific category