Angelos Kyritsis
asked 9 years ago


Even though the {answer_link} option is correctly set at the notifications for questions page…

…often (but not always) the button it empty at the recipient email, and does nothing.

Fortunately, the question link still works, so the recipient can visit the question, but it won’t redirect to the exact question.

This happens both with the free version and the pro version of the plugin.

Can you please take a look?



5 Answers
answered 9 years ago

We are checking and fixing this issue to update into the new package, we will release and send to you a latest version in the tomorrow.

replied 9 years ago

Thank you, Dominic

replied 9 years ago

The answers of admins are fixed and the URL appears behind the button, but the answers of users still have the same problem.

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

We are checking it.

Angelos Kyritsis
replied 9 years ago

Unfortunately, the problem remains even with this new package.

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

we will check it and let you know as soon as possible.

Maurice Green
answered 9 years ago


I am having the same problem with the notifications emails. The {question_link} function works properly, but the ‘View Answer’ button only points to {answer_link} and this function does not appear to be defined anywhere. A search of the files in the plugin for ‘{answer_link}’ yields:

00163: $message = str_replace( ‘{answer_link}’, get_permalink( $question->ID ) . ‘#answer-‘ . $answer_id, $message ); in dw-question-answerincNotifications.php, and

00014: <div style="padding: 10px 0 0"><a class="btn" href="{answer_link}" style="color: #fff; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none; background-color: #F7682C; padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">View Answer → in templatesemailnew-answer-followers.html and in templatesemailnew-answer.html.

Is it possible that the str_replace() function is incorrectly defined?


Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Please send me username & password of your site for further checking.

Maurice Green
replied 9 years ago

I already sent you a username/password and an FTP link to the site for the other issue I had with the child theme.

David Maldoando
answered 9 years ago

Hi, i am also having this same problem, is there a fix?

Maurice Green
answered 9 years ago

I am subscribed to this topic, so when you posted your message, I got the following notification:

Howdy Dominic,

David Maldoando has answered your followed question at “The {answer_link} often won’t work for the email“:
Hi, i am also having this same problem, is there a fix?
View Answer →

AND GUESS WHAT… The ‘View Answer’ link doesn’t work. It points to {answer_link}.

Jackie Lord
replied 9 years ago

Ok, we are working on it. This issue will be fixed on the upcoming version of this plugin. Do you want to get a pre-release version of this plugin for testing?

Maurice Green
replied 9 years ago

Thank you for the quick response. Yes I would be willing to test a pre-release version of the plugin.
BTW, In the email notification I received of your post, the ‘View Comment’ link worked perfectly. But you have the same problem as Dominic with your avatar in my Outlook email client. For some reason it keeps trying to link to ‘’ and can’t find the image.

Nifemi Aluko
answered 9 years ago

I am having the exact same issue. When will the fix be released?

answered 9 years ago

I know what you want and your feel while facing the issue and waiting for a new version to fix the issues. We are checking and fix some issues in the next version. We will try to release it as soon as possible. 

Maurice Green
answered 9 years ago

@ Dominic,
Glad to hear you are on top of this. Just a note while you are working on this issue. It appears that since I posted multiple answers on this question, I received multiple email notifications of other answers. Is there a way to limit it to just one email?

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