Hello, I need DWQA Markdown plugin. It’s compatible with DWQA 1.5.2/1.5.7?
What’s the price of this plugin?
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At the moment, the DWQA Markdown only compatible with the DW Q&A Free version. If you are using the Pro version, you can enable it from the Dashboard > Questions > Settings.
Also, this plugin works fine with the latest version of WP.
I have free version. And the price? Where I can buy it?
Here you are: https://www.designwall.com/wordpress/plugins/dwqa-markdown/
However, I think you should buy the Pro version. All the addons have included in the Pro version.
There isn’t price and posibility to buy this plugin!
There is only a button “joint to download” for pricing plan. I don’t need All Premium Themes, etc. I just want this plugin.
In this case, you can contact us via email: [email protected], and we will send this addon for you. It’s free for you.
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