Dear DW,
it would be nice that anonymous user who is posting new question have textbox (mandadory?) to enter his/her name.
If anonymous posting is enabled, most of the users will post question in this anonymous form, and all of them are automatically Anonymous in list of questions.
This way, list of questions look much more professional, and nicer, than with list of Anonymous people.
Thank you for interesting in our product and your feedback. We appreciate it. I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will discuss about this feature. Any your suggestion will make our product become better and better.
I’ll join the chorus: I’d like to see this feature implemented. DWQA is otherwise a top-notch Q&A plugin; I needed a very simple Q&A solution, and it was very easy to strip off unwanted features (like commenting and voting) by editing templates. My users just want to ask questions and not register an account, but it would be good if they could enter a name.
Thank you for interesting in our product and your feedback.
Any news regarding this?
I am also extremely interested in this feature. Thank you.
At the moment, our plugin have not yet plan to update this feature. I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will check and discuss this issues for the plugin in the next version.
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