asked 6 years ago

Hello. I would like to edit dwqa sidebar widgets to show popular questions and unanswered questions with questioner author names. What is the shortcode of it or which file should it edit?
I saw a code in Popular_Question.php 

if ( $questions->have_posts() ) {
echo '<div class="dwqa-popular-questions">';
echo '<ul>';
while ( $questions->have_posts() ) { $questions->the_post();
echo '<li><a href="'.get_permalink().'" class="question-title">'.get_the_title().'</a>';
echo __( ' asked by', 'dwqa' ).' '.get_the_author_posts_link();
echo ', ' . sprintf( esc_html__( '%s ago', 'dwqa' ), human_time_diff( get_post_time('U', true) ) );
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</div>';

I want to link that “.get_the_author_posts_link() ” to DWQA author page too

2 Answers
answered 6 years ago

At the moment, we have supported the widgets to show popular questions and unanswered questions in the Pro version. You should use the Pro version to use these widgets.

replied 6 years ago

Yes i have pro version.

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Yes, you can register sidebar position to add the DW Q&A widget into the sidebar. If you still face their issue, you can send me the username and password of your site for further checking.

answered 6 years ago

Thanks for your interest. I solved the problem with different plugin.

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