Ali Alshehry
asked 11 years ago

after the latest update I enabled posting questions without membership on the website and it work great 
but I have an issue that the non-member can’t see the answer I wrote (they can see the question )
screenshot for the view of non member of a question (this question have 1 answer)
screenshot of the same question but from a member account (here we can see the answer)
link of that question from the screenshots
screenshot of my settings
so how can I make the visitor able to see question and answers , and thanks a lot 

3 Answers
Ali Alshehry
answered 11 years ago

Hi 🙂
is this issue universal or is it only on my website 
you wrote another answer on that question but it’s only visible for me when  I’m legged in (so non-members will not see it )

answered 11 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you.
Just for clarify:
1.The answer is Private or Public? ( If the answer is Private, just admin and the answer author can view the answer )
2. Navigate to Dashboard >> DW Q&A >> Settings >> Permission to sure that anonymous can view all public answers.

Ali Alshehry
replied 11 years ago

thanks , yes I’m sure that on the settings annomymos can read answers

and I write my login info for my website as a private answer so you can check out the settings and see if there is a bug or something

answered 11 years ago

I have checked your site, and still work fine. Also, I have added a question then I still see the question that not log in to Dashboard.
See the screenshot:

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