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Text for time of questions is not localized?
2 Answers
About list question page, you can open the content-question.php file, find line 17.
Replace it with the following code:
$time = human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ), current_time('timestamp'));
you can open the content-single-question.php file and find the line 19.
Replace the following code:
<?php printf( __( '<span>%s%s %s asked %s ago</span>', 'dwqa' ), dwqa_get_author_link( $user_id ), get_avatar( $user_id, 48 ), dwqa_get_author(), dwqa_print_user_badge( $user_id ), human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ) ) ) ?>
With new code:
<?php printf( __( '<span>%s%s %s asked %s ago</span>', 'dwqa' ), dwqa_get_author_link( $user_id ), get_avatar( $user_id, 48 ), dwqa_get_author(), dwqa_print_user_badge( $user_id ), human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ), current_time('timestamp') ) ) ?>
If you still face there issue, you can send me usernam & password of your site for further checking.
Hope this helps!
I see.
I will wait for the updates that have been fixed.
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