I’ve used a lot of plugins to translate the theme, but anyone is working because translation is not appearing after translate all the files and the localization codestyling plugin gives me this message (Compatibility – Loading issue):
Do you have any POT file to use with Poedit? where is supposed to upload the mo. and po. files?
Hi Tiago,
Currently, Our DW Argo theme does not yet support “.pot / .mo” file.
Did you try these translation plugin yet:
Please try and let me know if it works.
nop, is not working because i cannot find all the words, and at the end i need to put a mo file somewhere! can you help me with this? i really need to translate the theme
If you want to use the .pot / .mo” file to translate, You can use the loco translate plugin. Please find the plugin here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/
We will discuss about this issue in the next version.
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