asked 6 years ago

Whenever I answer any question “STAFF” is written in front of my username, can this be hidden ?

Also, I would like to set different levels of user (Rookie, learner, master, pro) based on points, Can this be achieved using DW Questions & Answer pro ? either by tis plugin or integrating this with myCred or simillar plugin ?

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

– If you want to remove the “Staff”, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.dwqa-staff { display: none; }
– At the moment, the plugin does not support to set different levels of user as you wish. 
Also, the plugin has integration with the myCred plugin.

replied 6 years ago

I have added myCred as well as ultimate member pro installed on my site. Can myCred; ultimate member pro and DW questions & answer pro be used together to create user levels (Rookie, learner, master, pro)

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Yes, you can use the ultimate member pro to create the user role (Rookie, learner, master, pro)

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