How to remove gap between menu and content?
ResolvedDominic answered 9 years ago • 
2379 views1 answers0 votes
How to limit number of blocks on Fixel’s homepage ?
ResolvedTito Dupret answered 9 years ago • 
2280 views3 answers0 votes
Missing query var when click on show more?
ResolvedAntónio Torres answered 9 years ago • 
3534 views2 answers0 votes
DW Q&A not working correctly in DW Fixel
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2497 views1 answers0 votes
Instagram tile throwing an error
ResolvedDominic answered 11 years ago • 
3250 views1 answers0 votes
How do I change the grey backgorund on each page to white?
Resolvedwell wisher answered 11 years ago • 
2977 views2 answers0 votes
DW Fixel flaws and edits required
ResolvedRohit Chopra answered 10 years ago • 
1752 views2 answers0 votes
How to add extras Heading 1 and Heading 2 entries to Social Wall
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2083 views2 answers0 votes
How do I add my twitter handle when someone shares my post?
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2771 views2 answers0 votes
Install upgrade
ResolvedBruce Reyes-Chow asked 10 years ago • 
1863 views0 answers0 votes
How can i change the social media icons in the top panel
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2066 views1 answers0 votes
Social wall tiles are not working correctly in IE 11
ResolvedTilan Bethmage asked 10 years ago • 
1999 views0 answers1 votes
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