WordPress has proven to be a popular content management system for businesses and individuals because of the sheer level of control and accessibility. For many WordPress users, they are content with using premade WordPress templates, whereas those with higher budgets might be tempted to consider a custom design. Both approaches offer distinctive advantages that are vital to discuss in this decision-making process.
Customized WordPress Templates are Unique
The process of launching a website is becoming easier and easier with every passing week. These days, service providers like Wix or Squarespace make it so simple that even novice users can start their own site by selecting a basic theme before pasting in their content.
Going a level above that, there are the WordPress users who launch sites with premade templates. Ultimately, this creates a scenario where numerous sites will be sharing a pool of popular WordPress themes. And this gives custom WordPress templates an advantage in that they can actually be unique.
Custom Build Example
Many Custom Build Templates become outstanding, some made their own online resume, some created places for game players. For example, Big Tease Bingo – a gaming destination where players can choose from a library that combines various options – represents a strong case for showcasing the value of a custom build.
In this case, It makes a bold impression because the custom design has enabled the visual integration of pop art elements. These have been thoughtfully combined throughout the site to cultivate a playful image that players are more likely to remember compared to a basic brand that has merely inserted a logo in a template.
Another core advantage of designing a custom theme is that specialist features can be built in without having to install and continue to update plugins. This custom-built WordPress site has been able to design each section based on the games or content contained within.
For example, the bingo section has been designed to allow the players to easily browse the games by categories. This customized site can then differentiate the color scheme used for the other main pages of the site because it has been custom-built.
Premade WordPress templates is Cost-effective
Unless you are a seasoned WordPress designer, you will have to spend hundreds of even thousands of dollars to obtain a custom site that is made to your clearly defined specifications. For smaller-scale webmasters, it will not be realistic to obtain a custom WordPress theme due to budgetary constraints.
Premade themes can often be acquired free of charge, while more advanced WordPress templates can be purchased for up to $200. Free templates might feel appealing to some users, but the strength of a paid template is that you will receive future support for forthcoming updates.
Poorly supported WordPress themes will only cost you in terms of downtime if all of your plugins go haywire. Considering the cost savings versus custom WordPress templates, it is a smart investment to pay a little to have superior support and reliability for WordPress SEO plugins, security features, or other aspects.
Technical Support is not available to Custom templates
Continuing from that thread, a custom template is unlikely to come with the same high level of support as a premade template. Granted, there might be some WordPress designers who offer support for the first three months after launching your site, but it is more likely that you will have to pay them to correct future issues.
Even if you are working with a large budget, you have to factor in a percentage for any future support that might be required. Having a custom site will give you in an edge on the branding front, so it is vital to make this count with custom designs.
Going back to Big Tease Bingo, there are numerous examples where the custom designer has adjusted the clickable buttons on each page. This is performed to ensure uniformity across the band, which is something that must be pursued to make the most of the branding advantage that is presented by custom designs.
A more regional example comes from Jess Marks Photography in Brisbane, Australia. Some talented WordPress designer has managed to incorporate a flashing image of a married couple being snapped on the beach. This is just one of several artistic touches that give this business a charming edge on any local competitors in Brisbane.
Custom vs. Premade: Overview
Having discussed these approaches at length, it is now worth revisiting them to highlight the main areas of advantage for each:
• Branding: Custom – Having complete control will always be the stronger approach for ambitious brands that wish to cultivate their own image.
• Functionality: Custom – There are many different WordPress plugins to install, but designing a site from the ground up can ensure you get the exact functionality that you want.
• Cost: Premade – Buying a premade template will be a fraction of the cost compared to completely creating a custom site from scratch.
• Support: Premade – The most popular templates are updated frequently to remain compatible with the latest software updates. This level of support will extra as part of a custom service.
• Reliability: Premade – When a custom site goes down, it will require dedicated support to get it running again, whereas a supported theme will have clearly planned updates.
Hybrid Approach
Basically, all that you can do is figure out your budget and then find a solution that can meet as many of your needs as possible. This being said, there is another way in which you can approach this challenge.
A hybrid approach could be implemented where you acquire a sophisticated premade template with an extremely solid framework. Having acquired a solid base for your site, you could then employ a WordPress designer to perform several priority customizations – this might be in the form of visual improvements, such as for Jess Marks Photography.
Essentially, this will enable you to save money while still affording customizations that will be made in the best interest of your site. This can be an effective bridging strategy for connecting premade to custom.