Cannot login after moving the blog to another directory
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2129 views1 answers0 votes
How to add menu in features sidebar?
OpenKido D answered 10 years ago • 
1908 views1 answers0 votes
About the title
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago
1893 views4 answers0 votes
How can I get a post to show an excerpt?
ResolvedDominic answered 11 years ago • 
2118 views3 answers0 votes
Can you change design for "quotation" style?
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
1948 views1 answers1 votes
Rating Bars
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2285 views1 answers0 votes
Font on mobile thin and browser "bold"
ResolvedDominic answered 11 years ago • 
2426 views1 answers0 votes
Add additional character set of Google Fonts
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago • 
3073 views2 answers1 votes
hidden sidebar navigation on fullscreen
OpenKido D answered 10 years ago • 
1988 views1 answers0 votes
How to add new social links and add new icons?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
4945 views1 answers0 votes
How do I translate this theme?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2401 views5 answers0 votes
Center minion Theme
ResolvedKido D answered 10 years ago • 
2314 views2 answers0 votes
How do I get my Instagram feed into my blog and look like the DW Minion demo?
ResolvedDominic answered 10 years ago
1809 views2 answers0 votes
Which is used for the flickr secondary sidebar box?
OpenDominic answered 10 years ago • 
2142 views2 answers0 votes
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