Since the first quarter of 2016 is left behind, many of us had a chance to observe the trends that have been prevailing in WordPress design so far. Now, it’s about time to take a closer look at the most prominent ones and tell which of them are here to stay. Functionality wise, the WordPress themes have become the immaculate specimen of a website layout that includes abundant features web designers could only dream about a few years ago. Let’s check out what is in at the moment:
Multi-purpose WordPress themes
The Internet of today will never be the same again thanks to the use of multi-purpose WordPress themes. Now you don’t have to be a seasoned web developer to establish a decent website and incorporate several trendy features into the design. All you need is an out-of-the-box WordPress theme to slightly modify it for your needs. With juggernaut themes like Monstroid by TemplateMonster with a variety of Child themes in the package, all it takes is to install the template and customize the look and feel of specific web pages afterward.

WordPress one-page website trend
Alongside with the flagship themes like Monstroid, Divi, The X Theme more and more users use one-page WordPress themes that have gained their own niche and become an integral part of a solid online marketing strategy for results-oriented businesses. Also known as landing page WordPress themes, they are meant for boosting any kind of business projects on the web. And obviously, there is nothing more suitable than utilizing a one-page WordPress design for any type of websites that aren’t supposed to have a lot of content published. The point of these themes is quite clear – they are meant to lead the customer to making a purchase or to submitting an online form.
Drag and drop WordPress website builders (customizable WP themes)
One of the advantages that make using WordPress themes more enjoyable to those who have very little or no programming knowledge at all is drag and drop website building plugins. Using fully customizable WordPress themes undoubtedly has a lot of benefits. Thanks to such outstanding plugins like Visual Composer, the slightest website element can be modified in just a few clicks. This trend is definitely here to stay since it significantly simplifies the life of an average website owner. Multi-functional drag and drop website builders have usually incorporated in premium WordPress themes while more simplified ones can be found in free themes.

Increased implementation of UI Patterns
Using ready-made business WordPress themes or any other type of website templates for WordPress based sites has inevitably led to the appearance of online resources that look somewhat samey. Due to the extensive implementation of fully responsive design, Bootstrap framework, Parallax scrolling effect and other popular features, many websites have lost their individuality.
But, it’s too early to get disappointed over the similarities, that the majority of modern sites bear, because this is not always a negative thing. On the contrary, this massive trend shows that a lot has changed in the way people perceive the Internet and the interface of an average online resource. It’s fair to say that web design has become more about the interface patterns meant to magnify pleasant user experience. No need to redefine the usual functionality, but rather improve it and make it more enjoyable.
Mobile friendly WordPress themes with fully responsive design
Mobile friendly WordPress themes is another currently predominant web design trend. As the recent statistics show, approximately 80% of users tend to browse websites with the help of mobile phones and tablets. This means that online audience needs more websites optimized especially for mobile phones. Obviously, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, and the competitor’s website is, chances are the latter will get more revenues and ROI. Also responsive design trend keeps hanging around to facilitate the rendering of websites on different digital devices.
Image-based designs
You might have seen a lot of resources making use of full-screen images with large hero headers, which is a huge trend right now. Present-day WordPress themes are immensely dependent on carefully selected high-quality imagery. Why do people love it so much? Apparently because this helps a website to remain minimalist, yet provide impeccable visual experience at the same time.

Dramatic Typography
Dramatic typography is defined by Uxpin as a summation of fonts, sizes, and effects that act as a stylistic element on their own being a staple of any modern web interface. The typography has lost its initial function to be the vessel of textual information and is seen in a completely different light offering a much better-looking presentation of text, and WordPress sites need to follow suit. Speaking of the technical aspect of this web design trend, multiple type kits have appeared (namely, Google Fonts or Adobe Typekit) to support the concept. This facilitates the import and use of specific custom fonts for the WordPress based websites and simultaneously enables every visitor to see any special fonts headache-free.
Ghost Buttons
The rise of the ghost button dates back to 2014, but it has proven to be a long-lasting web design trend. In case you’re still in the dark, ghost buttons are transparent or empty buttons in the form of a rectangle, square, diamond or circle bordered with a thin line having a plain text printed in a sans serif font within. They are usually placed in noticeable locations on a website and, since they are larger than the average buttons, you really can’t miss them. And this is what makes this trend work so well. In WordPress themes ghost buttons are often used to drag the maximum attention to calls-to-action without being too annoying. So, if you want to urge site visitors to convert, ghost buttons can become an aide.
Hamburger Menu
The hamburger button trend in web design may be often criticized, but one thing is sure – it’s widespread use makes this element immensely recognizable by the Internet users. The symbol consisting of three parallel horizontal lines ≡ has become a staple for graphic user interfaces of both websites and mobile applications. The concept has several pros and cons though: on the positive side – this is a minimalist solution which allows making a typical WordPress theme look more uncluttered and neat, on the negative one – it’s not suitable for every site because it may confuse the users looking for traditional navigation items. Anyway, this web design trend is sure to linger in the ready-made WordPress themes layouts for some more time.
Parallax Scrolling Effect
You can come across Parallax scrolling effect in the majority of premium WordPress themes. If done well, it brings aesthetics and depth to the design, makes it look more voluminous, creating a 3D illusion thanks to the combination of foreground and background images. Parallax scrolling effect is a special case of the long scroll, which has also become trendy. Internet users prefer scrolling to clicking while browsing websites from their handheld devices. This method works perfectly well for online resources that make bets on storytelling to attract more clientele.

Extensive use of flat design
This is a relatively new concept which gets to the basics presenting a user interface. What makes it likable is its practical nature that tries to imitate the real world with its rounded corners, textures and shadows. Besides, it’s quite practical, because it renders great on mobile devices with its bold colors and sharp elements. Many people, though, confuse the looks of flat and material design, which has more of a three-dimensional essence and still has some embellishments in it. Both flat and material design trends are not going away. The advantage of using these concepts in ready-made WordPress themes is obvious – they streamline and speed up an average WordPress based site, giving it this modern and concise look and feel.
Making enhancements to the design of ready-made WordPress themes comes to improving the interactive part of the layout, increasing the involvement of an average site visitor. This is when micro-interactions come into play, being product-related moments or events that perform one small task at a time. Each time one needs to update a social network status or submit an online form, we a become a part of a micro-experience. In the WordPress themes design the functions of micro-experiences can be defined as follows: demonstrating the result of an action; fulfilling a separate isolated task; preventing user error.
So, here are most influential WordPress themes design trends that will be on point in 2016. Is there any other prominent web design trend worthy of attention? Feel free to share your ideas to make this list more complete! Sound off in the comment section below and share the joy!