Navigate to Appearance >> Customize to adjust parameters as you want.

Theme Customization

To display a logo image instead of normal text, you do as follow:

  • Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Site title & Tagline
  • Under “Site Logo”, upload a logo image.
  • Select “ Display as site logo”
Upload Logo

Please note that the logo size is 72 x 72 px.

Site Description

To display site description text, just go to Appearance >> customize >> Site title & Tagline >> Site Description.

Site Description

Here you enter your own description . Basic HTML is supported. Below is site description in HTML format used in our demo site:

<strong>DW Kido</strong> is a versatile, </br>typographical, minimal </br>beautiful WordPress theme.</br>

Font Selector

Located in Appearance >> Customize >> Font Selector.

Here’s what it looks like in back-end:

Font Selector in Back-end

First, you need to go to Google Font Library to find web font you like. After finding, head over “quick-use” button.

Quick Use button

Once you clicked quick-use button,you will choose styles as you want.

Choose the styles you want

Next, scroll down till you see the pane titled “Add this code to your website” as followings:

Copy this code

You can see that there are 3 tabs ” Standard”, “@import”, “Javascript”, however, you only use the first tab “Standard” for your site.
Just copy the code above, then go to Appearance >> Customize >> Font Selector, paste the code into the Heading Font – Link section:

Paste code into your website

Once done that, the next thing you need to do is to integrate the fonts into your CSS. Navigate to Google Font Library, scroll down, copy the code like this:

Add Font Family

Then back to Customize >> Font Selector, paste the code you copied above into Heading Font – Font Family:

Paste Font Family

Font-weight allows you to define how thick and thin characters in text should be presented in front-end.

The font-weight will be based on styles you chose above.

Choose Styles

In the screenshot above, 400 is the same as normal and 700 is the same as bold.

Font Weight

To have Body Font, just follow the steps above for Heading font.