Endrit Shehu
asked 11 years ago

I like this plugin. but I have some problems.
When I click the questions it shows to me :This website has a redirect loop.
This is shown only on the dw questions page.
The other problem is when you ask a question it shows blank page to the admin email is sent not a good html code.
Thank you

5 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Please log in to Dashboard > Setting > Permalink, then select the Default.
After you set the permalinks to default and save them, this will reset permalinks after which you can set them back to post-name or anything else of your choice. This should solve your problem.
There is a bug in the current version, so try not to set the email from field yet.

Endrit Shehu
replied 11 years ago

Ok now it is working but I have a problem. The system is working but when I ask a question and click on submit the email was sent and the question is tecognised but shows to me a blank page

answered 11 years ago

Hello Endrit !
Please send me username & password of your site (via private answer) for further checking.

answered 11 years ago

Hi Endrit ! 
We have checked your site, please send me your FTP, we will help you resolve this issue.

answered 11 years ago

Hi Endit
Please find here for the document guide on how to create 2 file: content-start-wrapper.php / content-end-wrapper.php.
URL: http://cmspioneer.com/designwall/guide/dw-question-answer-plugin/#Style_integration

– Please add the following code to the content-start-wrapper.php file:

<div class="content">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="main-content-left">
    <?php if( is_page() || is_archive() ) { ?>
    <header class="entry-header">
        <h2 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Question & Answer', 'dw-trendy' ); ?></h2>
    <?php } ?>

– Please add the following code to the content-end-wrapper.php file:

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

Hope this helps !

answered 11 years ago

Hi Endrit !
Right now, you can check your site, I have helped you resolve this issue.

answered 11 years ago

Hi Endrit !
Apologies for the delay in replying to you. I think you have resolved this issue in the site. We will mark the “Resolved” status for this question.

Marco Tiggelaar
answered 10 years ago

has there been any solution for this?
currently on a reply i am always stuck on white page: admin-ajax.php?action=dwqa-add-answer
it does send out the email i believe
on a new topic i am also stuck in a white page. (not constantly loading just white)
also creates the topic and sends out mail, but it’s really not good for anyone to be stuck on a white page.
We use NGINX with php fpm 5.5, is there a code conflict for this?

Marco Tiggelaar
replied 10 years ago

For some further details:Uncaught ReferenceError: ext is not defined include.postload.js:539(anonymous function) include.postload.js:539and on comment post:POST https://virtualpf.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.js:4send jquery.js:4m.extend.ajax jquery.js:4(anonymous function) dwqa-single-question.js:231m.event.dispatch jquery.js:3r.handle jquery.js:3

answered 10 years ago

I will help your issue in the following question:

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