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Adding Widgets in WordPress


Adding Widgets in WordPress

When you’re trying to Learn WordPress there are many things you have to worry about being you start contemplating Adding Widgets in WordPress, but eventually you should learn how to do so.

Are you new to WordPress and a little confused as to what a widget even is?

If you are then don’t feel alone, we’ve been there.

Widgets are more or less:

  • Blocks of Content,
  • Added to the sidebar,
  • Placed into any widgatized area,
  • Provide links to other content,
  • Search Fields,
  • Important Dates,
  • And more.

The widgets workspace which appears on your Admin Dashboard work space after you’ve selected Widgets on the left allows you to manage your widgets and to customize your site’s look and feel quickly and easily.

You should watch this tutorial to Learn WordPress‘s various tools and features as well as the widgets tool so that you can get a well rounded idea of how to completely customize your site using WordPress.

Doing so will help you to become a pro WordPress developer so that you can not only manage your own content but also help others to do the same.

This video will also give you an idea of how you can quickly and easily change the setting and hierarchy of your WordPress widgets as you feel is best for your site and your users.

We hope that with the little bit of help we’ve given you here you can recreate an original and professional site for you and your users.

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We look forward to seeing how your site feels.